Our Vision

Every single day in the year, there is somewhere in the world a GBI event, where people from all cultures support long-term oriented charitable projects by means of personal and sportive engagement.

Our mission

We cycle for charity

The people behind the GBI

Michael Leuenberger
Managing Director

Michael is the originator and founder of the first GBI back in 2008, where he set-up a first charity ride with more than 60 people, cycling from Düsseldorf in Germany to Newbury in the UK, and raising more than 20.000 Euro of funds.

Anja Richter

Anja knows the GBI since many years as cyclist as well as volunteer in various roles, and everybody knows her. 
She mainly controls the GBI finances, but in addition she is higly involved in participant care activities prior to and also after the tours. During our smaller events she is responsible for the touroffice, hotel management as well as for 'snack management'.

Oliver Harzen
Communication & marketing

In 2009 Oliver joined the GBI community as cyclist and after falling in love with the event he engaged himself in different roles in the GBI organisation since 2014.

Heba Kamel
Social Media Consultant

Heba ist the new face of the team. She knows the GBI as cyclist during her participations 2011-2013. Heba is responsible for the complete social media presence including all events of the GBI Event GmbH since November 2023. She has an extensive knowledge of the social media work for more than 20 years and therefore she is the perfect fit for the small core GBI team. She will accompany our cycling events and blog onsite to inform our followers and friends of the GBI 'live'. 

Nadine Messner
Touroffice/Staff management

Nadine is caring attentively for all needs of the participants during the tours. No matter if you have looking for your room key, want to buy merchandising stuff or need to know the dinner times, she has always an open ear and an appropriate answer. In addition she is responsible for all administrative and organisational activities to manage the volunteers best possible. 

Thomas Küpper

Thomas has several years of experience with the GBI. The is an enthusiastic cyclist and knows what is important to develop excellent bike tracks for such a huge bike event.

Klaus Schubert
Nutrition & location scout

Prior to the tour he acts as location sout and checks for adequate accommodation for hundreds of people as well as for the hotel rooms at all stages to ensure a relaxing sleep.

Andreas Neukirchen

Andreas is the chief logistics officer of the GBI Europe tour. He and his team are taking care of the transportation of participant luggage as well as the matresses and tents for the camp accommodation.

Herbert Langer

Herbert is responsible for the overall fleetmanagement of the GBI. He coordinates the rental trucks and cars we need for our different events. He takes care of all other related topics, e.g. tolls, truck navigation and legal aspects.

Peter Hoeger-Wiedig
Tour photographer & pick-up shuttle

Since many years Peter is our tour photo- and videographer. He finds always the best spots for the perfect shot. In addition he is driving a shuttle van to pick-up participants from the track and to bring them to the stage destination.

Ulrich Maubach
Location management

Ulrich is responsible for the camp locations during the tours. He takes care that the welcome arch, bike park and all other camp facilities are ready when the cyclists arrive.

Antje Lehner
Pick-Up Service

Antje takes care that everybody, who is not able to cycle the whole stage, is picked up and taken to the daily destination. She also organizes the shuttle services for VIP's and the hotel shuttle.

Kevin Mifsud
Pick-Up Service/Hotel Shuttle

Kevin started his GBI career on the Gothenburg tour in 2018 and since then he is an inherent part of the GBI family. With his calmness he collects participants from the route or transports the luggage of the hotel guests.

Gregor Kleinhesseling
Technical Support

If you have flat tire - Gregor repairs it. If your gear shift is broken - Gregor fixes it. If your brakes are squeaking - Gregor adjusts them. And he has always an open ear for any kind of problem or question.

Rainer Petermann
Medical Service

Rainer and his paramedic team accompanies the cyclists on their motorbikes and provides first aid, if needed.

A large team of charitable supporters

Every event requires a lot of supporters and assistants. Carrying luggage, barbeque, logistics mounting and de-mounting, mattresses and other location services, driving the service busses, and, and, and... A GBI event would not be possible without a large team of engaged people!

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