Data protection

Data protection declaration for the GBI Event GmbH website

1. Subject of this data protection declaration

(1) The protection of your personal data (hereinafter: “data”) is a major and very important concern for us. Below we will inform you about the storage of data, the type of data, its purpose and our identity. We also notify you about the initial transmission and the type of data transmitted, as well as the protective measures.

(2) Personal data includes all data that contains information about the personal or factual circumstances of a specific or identifiable customer. This includes, for example, name, email address, home address, date of birth or telephone number.

2. Responsible body/service provider

(1) The responsible body within the meaning of the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG) and at the same time the service provider within the meaning of the Telemedia Act (TMG) is Michael Leuenberger, see our legal notice.

(2) Please send any questions or comments about this data protection declaration and data protection in general to the following email address: or to our postal address, in accordance with paragraph 1.

3. Collection and use of your data

(1) The scope and type of collection/use of your data differs depending on whether you visit our website only to access information or use the services we offer:

        a) Informational use:

(2) For the purely informational use of our website, it is generally not necessary for you to provide personal data.

In this case, we only collect and use the data that your internet browser automatically sends to us:

 • Date and time of access to one of our websites

 • your browser type

 • the browser settings

 • the operating system used

 • the last page you visited

 • the amount of data transferred and the access status (file transferred, file not found, etc.) as well

 • your IP address.

(3) This data is stored separately from any other data you may provide to us. The data will not be linked to your other data. They are evaluated for statistical purposes in order to optimize our websites and offers. The data will be deleted after evaluation.

         b) Answering your questions by email:

(4) If you contact us via the contact form in the legal notice or by email, we will save your email address to answer these questions.

4. Use of cookies

(1) We use cookie technology for our website. Cookies are text files that are sent from our web server to your browser when you visit our website and are stored on your computer for later retrieval.

(2) We only use so-called session cookies or temporary cookies, i.e. those that are only temporarily stored for the duration of your use of one of our websites. The purpose of these cookies is to continue to identify your computer during a visit to our website when you switch from one of our websites to another of our websites and to be able to determine the end of your visit.

(3) The cookies are deleted as soon as you end your browser session.

(4) You can determine whether cookies can be set and accessed using the settings in your browser. For example, you can completely deactivate the storage of cookies in your browser, limit it to certain websites or configure your browser so that it automatically notifies you as soon as a cookie is about to be set and asks you for feedback. However, for technical reasons, it is necessary to allow the above-mentioned session cookies to enable the full functionality of our website.

(5) We do not collect or store personal data in cookies in this context. We also do not use technologies that combine information generated by cookies with user data.

5. Social media plugins

(1) We currently use the following social media plugins: Facebook. We use the so-called 2-click solution. This means that when you visit our site, no personal data will be passed on. Only if you click on one of the plugins will data be transmitted to the respective provider of the plugin. You can identify the provider of the plugin by checking the first letter in the grayed out box.

(2) By activating the plug-in, the respective provider receives the information that your browser has accessed the corresponding page on our website, even if you do not have an account with this provider or are not currently logged in to it. This information (including the data mentioned in Section 3, Paragraph 2 of this declaration) is transmitted from your browser directly to one of the provider's servers in the USA and stored there.

(3) If you are logged in to this provider, the provider can directly assign your visit to our website to your account with this provider. If you interact with the plug-ins (e.g. leave a comment), the corresponding information is also transmitted directly to the provider's server and stored there. The information is also published on the provider's website and displayed to your contacts. If you do not want the provider to assign the data collected on our website to your user account, you must log out of the provider before using the plug-in for the first time.

(4) The provider can use this information for the purposes of advertising, market research and needs-based use of its websites. For this purpose, the provider creates usage, interest and relationship profiles, e.g. to evaluate your use of our website with regard to the advertisements shown to you via the provider, to inform other users about your activities on our website and to provide other services related to the services of this provider to provide.

(5) The purpose and scope of data collection and the further processing and use of the data by the provider as well as your related rights and setting options to protect your privacy can be found in the data protection information of the respective provider.

(6) Address of the respective provider and URL with their data protection information:

        (a) Facebook Inc., 1601 S California Ave, Palo Alto, California 94304, USA;;

6. Data Security

We use technical and organizational security measures to protect personal data that is generated or collected, in particular against manipulation, loss or unauthorized access. Our security measures are continually adapted in line with technological developments.

7. Duration of data storage

Your personal data will only be retained for as long as necessary to provide our services. In some cases, longer-term data storage may be necessary due to statutory or legal obligations.

8. Right of withdrawal, objection and information

(1) We would like to point out that you can revoke your data protection consent given to us at any time with effect for the future.

(2) You can also object at any time to any creation of user profiles by us - within the scope of this data protection declaration - for advertising and market research purposes as well as for the needs-based design of our websites.

(3) You also have the option of requesting information about the data stored about you, including the origin of this data, recipients or categories of recipients to whom data is passed on, and the purpose of storage.

(4) To do this, please send an email to: or the address given in the legal notice.