We support
The jordan GBI cyclists raise donations for 'Zahr Al-Yasmeen (Jasmine) Association for Orphans' in Jordan.
• Zahr Al-Yasmeen is a non-profit, humanitarian, social, and charitable association that aims to achieve a decent life for those who are most in need in society.
• The association contributes to the psychological and financial welfare of orphans and the poor and takes care of their health.
• Throughout the year, the Association runs charitable programs and projects, including:
1) Orphan Kafala or sponsorship: JoD30/orphan is paid on a monthly basis. The number of orphan Kafalas/sponsorships has reached 1,200. Kafalas/sponsorships are also provided to the poor, those who are most-in-need, and to university students to finish their university education.
2) The Back to School Bag Project.
3) Winter Aid Project.
4) Distribution of new clothing to celebrate the Eid festivals.
5) Eid al-Adha “Feast of Sacrifice” Project.